Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Year Has Passed

Hi Everyone, It's November and a year since the last update. It snowed Monday, November 11th, with over an inch of snow on the grass. The first snow this year. The roads were still warm enough to prevent any issues except where bridges and ramps exist. Being retired gives you the option of staying home in bad weather. Deb is now a volunteer at The Chapel, where we attend, helping the pastor with some administrative duties every Monday. Since she left Kemper she was very busy with our two exchange students, until they returned home in late June. She's on the lookout for opportunities to help and stay busy. Katorine and Emma went home in June and we continue to adjust to a quiet house and missing two wonderful girls, with their sunny smiles and laughter. We went through the year with only some minor hiccups and having both of them was a bonus. They became close, like sisters, and in spite of their different backgrounds, formed a friendship that will last a lifetime. We went through homecoming and prom and they saw Chicago, Milwaukee, Galena and later we went to St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and then on to Disney. They both played soccer and appeared in the school play. Kat sang in the choir and both had top grades. Another trip saw them both fly to New York and travel by bus on to Philadelphia and Washington D.C. They had a great 11 months with us.
Deb had a CT scan last week and it was normal. Still a spot of breast cancer on her liver, but no change. Her health insurance should run out next June, so we will have to go into the marketplace to see what the affordable healthcare act offers. Nothing cheap out there, I'm sure. Deb and I have adjusted to being together and both of us have stuff we do to get out alone. We have enjoyed some short trips to Michigan to visit family. It's great having the time to go during the week and come back for the weekend. There are still more goodbyes than I care to have, but also some hellos. My 50th high school reunion was a blast. We managed to renew many friendships and there is a good chance another gathering will happen in two years, when most of us will be 70 years old. Thanks to all of you for reading this. I hope the news continues to be good for us, and I'd encourage you to drop a note and let us know how you fare in this time we call life. God Bless each of you, Danny Harrell

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