Friday, November 16, 2007

Being Thankful

Hi everyone,

You know you're in trouble when you remember a time in your life when your shirt had more wrinkles than your face has now. The march of time. And we are just a pencil dot on the fabric of time. Our lives all too brief.

The start of the holiday season always make me think of the end of one year and the start of another. I remember watching a tiny black and white television set when the year changed from 1949 to 1950. I was not yet five, but at a New Years party with my parents and their friends. They probably couldn't get a babysitter. How rare it was for anyone to have a television then.

Our 2007 has been amazing, looking back at it. I had a cancer scare in March, Deb was diagnosed in April, my mom continues in hospice and our little church divided and overcame many obstacles to reopen and start over.

Just when our spirits found a low point, another Spirit touched hearts to send angels to minister to us with food, hugs and prayers.

Deb went to the oncologist yesterday for an exam. She made an appointment with the radiologist to discuss treatment. Our understanding is that she will have around 30 treatments over a six week period.

She is doing very well, considering all she has endured. Her spirits are good, she is more active, with the lone problem area her left arm, which is weak and painful to use.

Deb and I are so very thankful for everyone who has prayed for us and comforted us with phone calls, food and many hugs. My co-employees at Metra and those I report to there, have been especially kind and considerate to me. The Kemper folks have gone to great lengths to show Deb she is more than just an employee, she is a friend. Our friends, family and neighbors have helped in ways too numerable to mention.

This time of year prompts us to be thankful, but remember to tell your mate and children how much you appreciate them for who and what they are to you. Be of good cheer and thank God, from whom all blessings flow.


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