If there was any doubt that the medi port installation wasn't surgery, that was soon dispelled by the familiar procedures Good Shepard Hospital used that reminded me of the times I've had an operation.
We were supposed to be at the hospital at 6:15 am, way too early, but neither of us could sleep so we ended up getting there before 6am! Poor Strider, our Cocker Spaniel. She was trotted outside before 5am, probably the earliest she has ever been outside. But as if she understood, she did her business and we left knowing that Sebastian would only have to take her out briefly before he left for school. Both Deb and I left a note for him, saying the same thing about taking Strider out.
I think looking back at the last week that most of our stress was because of the surgery today. Now that it's over, there is some relief.
We were ushered into a cube after 7am and they took Deb's vitals and asked the standard questions to make sure they had the correct person for the correct surgery. They made note that Deb is allergic to penicillin and that she didn't have false teeth or artificial joints or a metal plate in her head. Dr. Compagnoni came in and helped Deb decide what side to put the port in and gave her an overview of the time involved in surgery and the follow up needed with her office. Then a med tech tried to start the IV in her left arm, then in her right hand and finally gave up and called her anesthesiologist to start it.
Deb was finally taken to the OR about 8:30am. I settled in the waiting room after having a snack and some apple juice in the cafe. Comfortable couches and free coffee, woo hoo! I read a couple of newspapers and at one point dozed off, and then about 10am Dr. C came out and told me that everything had gone very well and that Deb was in recovery and would be out of there in about an hour.
I cooled my heals until about 11:15 or so and then was allowed in to find Deb in a chair having cranberry juice and graham crackers. Since it was the first thing she had eaten since 8pm the night before, she enjoyed breaking her fast. A nurse came in and went over everything with us including the post surgery orders for pain meds and follow ups.
Deb was feeling some pain so she took a Lortab, a Tylenol product with a narcotic base.
We left the hospital about 12:30pm and stopped for a hamburger on the way home and to pick up the pain prescription. Deb was somewhat obsessed with having a Big Mac, so that's what she had. The nurse was worried that she would be nauseated after the burger but she doesn't know our girl and Big Macs.
All in all, everyone at the hospital was great and we're both glad to have this behind us.
Deb is going to take it easy today and go back to work tomorrow afternoon. She moved up her hair appointment to May 9Th. She thinks that her hair will still start leaving after the first chemo on Thursday. The hospital says she has symptoms of apnea, so she may have to get tested too! Deb was great today, even though this was her first surgery. She had lots of stress and pain but was gracious through it all, just as she usually is with everyone all the time.
So another facet of this passes behind us and we look forward to other days and other battles. As Hubert Humphrey once said, "The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.”
And so my friends thank you for thinking of us, loving us and healing us. God bless you all.
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