Welcome To Spring
Hi Everyone,
I hope this finds you well and happy, as spring is here at last.
Deb continues to do well. Her exams are unremarkable, and her physical strength and spirit seem to gain ground steadily.
Deb is going to take part in the Relay for Life starting on May 30th. Here is what she said in her e mail.
"Hi everybody. I am planning to participate in the GLMV (Green Oaks, Libertyville, Mundelein, Vernon Hills) chapter of the American Cancer Society's Relay for Live this year on May 30th and 31st. I will be a member of the Mundelein Community Women's Club team.
Thanks to all of you who supported me and the cause in last year's Relay. I had never participated before and surprised myself with my emotion that came over me as I joined so many others on the survivor's lap to start the Relay.
During my life, and especially since my breast cancer diagnosis in April of 2007, I have been touched as family, friends and acquaintances have had to personally fight this disease, act as caregivers or mourn the loss of a dear friend or family member. The Relay is a way for me to continue to "fight the fight" against cancer.Following is a link to the Relay for Life website. It provides additional information and provides an opportunity to donate if you wish. I would really appreciate your support.Deb
Deb and I know that there are so many worthy causes out there that compete for our charitable contributions, so please don't fee that you need to contribute anything but your prayers for Deb's continued good health and the success of the Relay for Life gathering.
A new favorite sent to me recently.
"You know, I spent a fortune on deodorant before I realized that people didn't like me anyway."
Anger management. He- "You know when I'm upset, you never seem to get flustered and fight back." She-I work out my anger by cleaning the toilet." He- "How does that help?" She-" I use your toothbrush".
We continue to be amazed by the abundance in our life, all provided by God and by his grace.
On this Memorial Day Weekend, I look back over the years to a time years ago, when as a high school band member in Pontiac Michigan, I was asked to play taps at Perry Mount Park Cemetery at the conclusion of a Memorial Day Service. I was dressed in my band uniform with my trumpet shined for the occasion.
"Thanksgiving is a time when we pause to give thanks for what we have. Memorial day is when we thank the people who fought for the things we have". " Our heros who gave up all of their tomorrows so we could have ours".
There were proud men from World War Two and Korea, many in their dress uniforms, who stood at attention with a crisp salute as the rifles cracked. There were some tears too from family members remembering fathers, brothers and sons who had surrendered their very lives in distant places to keep America free.
Today we can add to the list those that served in the Gulf War, Viet Nam and everyone currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't know how we can ever fully appreciate their profound sacrifice, given for all of us, but this weekend, above all, we need to thank God for these brave men and women, the thin green line between the comforts of home an our enemies.